Surreal short film based on Aleister Crowley's poem The Red Lips of the Octopus. English Occultist Aleister Crowley reminiscences his love affair...
The Red Lips of the Octopus
Poverty stricken lovers Eden and Matilda have enough trouble just getting through the days, but when Eden buys a pet spider the real troubles start.
The sort film “Baker Street Live” is being produced for December 2016 exhibition “The Masterpieces of Russian...
Baker Street Live
In November 2014 the Iconic club Madame Jojos closed its doors. This event being interpreted by many as the death knell of Soho.The gentrification of...
Battle of Soho
"Films Confiscated from a French Brothel" is a bare all Avant-garde Anthology homage to silent stag films.
Films Confiscated from a French Brothel
Sasha returns to Manchester to discover the city has been taken over by aliens in this apocalyptic queer Sci-Fi movie.
The Moon is a Hologram