Since his beloved violin was broken, Nasser-Ali Khan, one of the most renowned musicians of his day, has lost all taste for life. Finding no...
Chicken with Plums
La naissance d'un guerrier
In the backdrop of the Nazi occupation of France, taken to the hospital for a broken leg from an accident, twelve-year-old Maurice Gutman is narrowly...
The Children of Chance
Robin des Bois, with his friend Tuck, are bad guy: they only steal poor, women and old people. They dream to get they own brothel in town, like the...
Robin Hood: The True Story
Summer 1996. A small town nestled in the shadow of a gigantic factory. Ben, a shy eleven year old boy, lives there alone with his mom when she leaves...
I Love Eva Marsh
Vincent Machot knows his life by heart. He shares it between his hair dressing salon, his cousin, his cat, and his too-invasive mother. But life...
Rosalie Blum
In a country where women are in charge, a man goes to unusual lengths to make his dream of marrying the daughter of a military leader come true.
Jacky in the Kingdom of Women