The film is about Viktor, an eleven year old boy who has only one hero in the world, his older brother. Viktor and his buddies, Roger and Arnor are...
Following the trend for dangdut musicals, such as the successful ones starring Rhoma Irama, Elvy Sukaesih, and A. Rafiq, this film even features a...
Yeah, Right...
The unemployed and homeless orphan Bibbi, with background from jail and the street, but she is still very much herself. I jail she meets the rebel...
Fengslende dager for Christina Berg
Jakob lives with his unstable mother. She constantly explodes into wild rages and Jakob does what he can to protect his baby brother Tomas. By...
Norway, 1942, during World War II. After being separated from her family, Esther, a young Jewish girl from Trondheim, arrives at an isolated farm...
The Birdcatcher
16 year-old Bea is in her first year at upper secondary school in Oslo. Active on the school magazine, she falls in love with Daniel, the smartest...
Just Bea