Consists of a series of crazy-stressed sketches, in a loosely coherent framework. The story is a bizarre variation on the tale of the three suitors...
Oj oj oj eller 'Sången om den eldröda hummern'
Mig og dig
A lovestory with one of the biggest pop stars from that time.
Ola och Julia
Two impressionable teenage girls fall in with a beatnik crowd that is content to avoid work and have fun. The group lives for today while committing...
Life's Just Great
Frank Sinatra was at rock bottom as far as his career in Hollywood was concerned, but made his way back to the spotlight via Finspångs Folkets...
Frank Sinatra glömde aldrig Finspång
Bosse works at an advertising agency while working on the novel of the century. At a burger restaurant he meets Lena, and before he knows it, she is...
Father to Be