In a dystopian future, the world is suffering from overpopulation. A group of radicals calling themselves the "Enthusiasts" are trying to prove the...
The Shell
Haylee, a local EMT suffering from PTSD, spends her days making split second decisions with lives that hang in the balance. One night on a routine...
Blue Call
An actress is unwittingly hired by her stalker to make a low budget period movie about a famous unsolved Los Angeles murder, but she and her company...
Night Rain
This action thriller is about an evil mob boss Match-Stick who gets out of prison and starts creating havoc and his son who's a former Navy Seal and...
The Match-Stick Flame
Ryan and his girlfriend Melissa are stalked by a malevolent presence after trying the new cybernetic drug, Neuroxica.
Following an unintended pregnancy, a troubled Chinese-American boy faces the crushing responsibility and emotional weight of fatherhood, past and...
A lazy, and often drunk, private detective teams up with a young woman who likes karate movies and bad puns to solve the murder of a fashion...
Killer Looks