A saga of an extraordinary conflict of a rich family, which takes you on a roller-coaster ride of unusual yet hilarious situations arising through...
Jiti Le Zindagi
On realising that his girlfriend is pregnant, Rahul seeks help from his business partner and friends. Will his friends and acquaintances help him?...
Adko Dadko
Life is tough for Leena as she is the only earning member of a middle-class household wherein the mother is a housewife, father is handicapped and...
Moti Na Chawk Re Sapnaman Deetha
Deepak and Jyoti have been lovers since childhood. What will happen when the savior of the world, Shri Krishna, joins their love story?
Kyan Rami Avya Raas
Four buddies who are proudly and voluntarily jobless embark on an exhilarating voyage. They will wait for the wind to come and blow the fly off if it...