Matriarchal rivals of neighboring families, whose young adult children become romantically involved - try despite their best efforts - to keep them...
Keeping Up with the Kandasamys
Set in Chatsworth, Keeping up with the Kandasamys opens a window into the lifestyle and subculture of modern-day Indian South Africans; their...
Kandasamys: The Wedding
The in-laws head to Mauritius for the birth of their grandchild and stir up comic trouble.
Kandasamys: The Baby
Set in Zululand South Africa three Zulu men must re-awaken sleeping demons when Mpiyakhe, now a successful Johannesburg businessman, returns home....
The Man in the Mirror
To rekindle their marriages, best friends-turned-in-laws Shanthi and Jennifer plan a couples' getaway. But it comes with all kinds of surprises.
Trippin’ with the Kandasamys