A young alchemist struggles to resurrect the old west town of Celeb's Folly but in doing so, finds his family now in jeopardy. As tensions build, the...
A Blood Moon Rising
During a romantic anniversary getaway to the mountains of Oregon, a devoted wife discovers what her husband truly is.
Loon Lake
Inside a long-abandoned mine lurks a dark being which haunts the descendants of the miners who trapped it. When Luke's niece is suddenly struck with...
The Haunting of Hell Hole Mine
A film about Snuffing: A multi-billion dollar industry where people intentionally die on camera, with the intent of being revived.
Snuff Queen
The final climactic chapter from the ancient story about the Faerie Melusine. When her mortal husband breaks the rules of their sacred contract. She...
A struggling cam girl who dreams of making it big in Hollywood catches the eye of a fan who's obsession may cost her everything.
Thirst Trap