The ancient monster Moon Ghost comes to Earth to devour humanity, and one young woman holds the enigmatic key to stopping his malevolent rampage of...
Moon Ghost
Upon returning to earth, a withdrawn woman named Melody hires an oddball private eye to track down the man who helped her escape from an alien zoo on...
Melody on Earth
A life long journey brings a man a peculiar sense of closure at the expense of re-living his past mistakes.
Lost in the Future
Three part anthology with all the stories revolving around werewolves or zombies.
Blood of the Werewolf II: Wolves & Zombies
These are two of men who are cursed with lycanthropy. One, in Montreal, stalks his estranged sister, insisting that "The Beast" is telling him to...
Bites: The Werewolf Chronicles
It's the last day before Spring break, college student Robby Turnwell is in for the week of his life. Once he gets an unexpected call from his older...
University Estate