In his new film, Spirit of Golf, photographer and documentary filmmaker Christopher Felver traces his personal 20-year odyssey in search of the...
Spirit of Golf
“Rhythm Masters: A Mickey Hart Experience” features stories from legendary athletes like Joe Montana and Marshawn Lynch to Sheryl Swoopes...
Rhythm Masters: A Mickey Hart Experience
Pour yourself a big bowl of hot chicken soup -- metaphorically speaking, at least -- with this inspirational program that collects wisdom from a long...
Chicken Soup: Conversations for the Golfer's Soul
Jack Nicklaus' insights and instruction broken down through playing lessons that focus on various aspects of the game and appeal to golfers of all...
Jack Nicklaus: Golf My Way
At the 1960 U.S. Open, aging legend Ben Hogan dueled talented amateur Jack Nicklaus and emerging superstar Arnold Palmer play in an exciting final...
Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open
Visual treasure of the world of golf according to Bob Hope. Highlights include "How (he) Became a Golf Addict", "Best Advice Ever Given to (him)...
Shanks for the Memory