A struggling young artist accepts a series of bizarre commissions from an eccentric, dying millionaire who may be trying to either help further his...
The Time Being
A comedy centered on two best friends, Kim and Deena, who fight to maintain normalcy in their lives after Kim gets pregnant and has a baby.
L!fe Happens
After a programmer working on a top secret surveillance program snaps in a murderous rage, a notorious code wizard with problems of his own moves...
Nightmare Code
Inside the halls of an elite arts academy, a timid music student begins to outshine her more accomplished and outgoing twin sister when she discovers...
Pinnacle records has the perfect plan to get their sinking company back on track: a comeback concert in LA featuring Aldous Snow, a fading rockstar...
Get Him to the Greek
A young couple moves into what appears to be the perfect home, but when they discover that they will soon become parents, things begin to fall apart....
2 Bedroom 1 Bath