The tragic story of two sisters whose lives are disrupted by two men. Amidst a landscape of rural hardship and a community consumed with...
This Filthy Earth
A young couple have a baby boy. However, the new father doesn't take to his new position quite as well as expected.
The Bouncing Boy
Kenneth Cranham and Rachel Davies star as the parents of 19-year-old Marian Fairley, who finds a pair of women's knickers in her husband's laundry....
A Little Bit of Lippy
A teenage girl is sent to a women's prison, but should she really be there?
Life for Christine
Drama based on the case history of a Liverpool boy, Graham Gaskin, who spent most of his youth in care.
Siblings Maisie and Tony, along with their mother, gather for their sister Eileen's wedding. It is a joyous occasion, but through flashbacks, it...
Distant Voices, Still Lives
In the days leading up the Queen's Silver Jubilee, Pauline, a recently separated single mother, receives a visit from a bailiff and is given 15 days...
The Spongers
Upon his release from a mental hospital, James re-kindles his relationship with pirate DJ Marion, helping her kick her nasty heroin addiction....
The Frontline
It's New Year's Eve in Thatcher's de-industrialising Britain. The scene is set at a seedy bar in Liverpool where a group of Irish Protestant and...
No Surrender
Two children in 1917 take a photograph, believed by some to be the first scientific evidence of the existence of fairies. Based on a true story
FairyTale: A True Story
Two friends search for a quality sausage at an open air meat festival.
The Weekenders
Needle paints a harrowing picture of a Liverpool overrun by drugs, charting a young man's nightmarish descent into intravenous heroin use and AIDS...