In this cinematic zine, directors scattered all over the world adapt to screen hilarious and poignant Belarusian news stories. Featuring phone...
COOL (News from Belarus)
A parody of the Terminator franchise made by teens in the post-apocalyptic landscapes of panel-block microraion Kuntsevschina, Minsk.
Tыrmenatr 4
An unofficial sequel to Kefir-Profit's unofficial Terminator sequel... This time featuring Superman, Rambo, Neo from the Matrix, Harry Potter and the...
Terminator 5: The Death of Hollywood
In Belarus, a group of enthusiasts made the film "Abel" as a kind of message of peace. Starting from the first recorded murder of one person by...
We are not talking about Belarusian cinema - we are creating it! The boring official cinema of Belarus is being replaced by alternate cinema from...
Belarusian Trash Cinema