In this sophomoric comedy, a lusty adolescent British hockey team heads for Holland where they find something far more interesting than tulips and...
Dutch Girls
Very much in love, Neil's wedding plans are sabotaged, beginning when he is abandoned, naked, on a Scottish island. A road trip ensues, with Neil...
BBC look at whether or not Snuff films really exist. Snuff as defined by the FBI and the film is a film that shows some one being killed which was...
The Dark Side of Porn: Does Snuff Exist
The film centers on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC, an officer of the Scots Guards during the Falklands War of 1982. While fighting at the...
As they go by lorry to start their apprenticeship as Royal Naval Artificers, Pike and Brooks take a tacit dislike to one another. It's going to end...
The Grudge Fight