George, hopelessly in love, has his heart broken by a fiery redhead named Ginge. As he stumbles home, fueled with grief, the familiar pathway turns...
Babe is a little pig who doesn't quite know his place in the world. With a bunch of odd friends, like Ferdinand the duck who thinks he is a rooster...
A young ambulance driver befriends an elderly woman.
Spider and Rose
After a nasty break-up with her boyfriend, Jane is on the verge of suicide when she is saved by a friendly cat.
Hold Please
The close-knit community of Brackenmore is harboring a secret. After the untimely death of an uncle she never knew she had, Kate (Sophie Hopkins) is...
A true story. In 1937, a routine passenger and mail flight crashes during bad weather on a flight between Brisbane and Sydney. A local bushman begins...
The Riddle of the Stinson
An invisible force is killing women in Sydney and stealing their eyes.
Out of the Body
The film is a story of the ways in which insurance investigator Roland Copping interferes in and manipulates the lives of others with outrageous...