Two boys with the dreams to change their ordinary lives change the entire corruption system as they take a stand against police brutality with the...
Jaane kyun de yaaron
The film Babuji Ek Ticket Bambai is an attempt to draw the focus on how a dying scared culture deprived of support from the various sections can...
Babuji Ek Ticket Bambai
Miss Tanakpur is a political satire that unfolds in the backdrop of a Love-story set in a village of Haryana. In the villages of Haryana the Pradhans...
Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho
A young man gets into a problem with a mighty don after his inebriated friends harass a girl, who happens to be the don’s daughter. When she...
Yagavarayinum Naa Kaakka
When a tragedy strikes the ambitious Makarand right before the completion of his dream directorial project, he seeks 31 days to stand on his own feet...
31 Days