City Loop tells the story of six young people who work in a pizzeria, as they struggle to comes to terms with boredom, fear of responsibility and...
City Loop
A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a...
The Babadook
When her all-male house-cleaning business gets out of control, a mature woman must embrace her own sexuality, if she is to make a new life for...
How to Please a Woman
A short documentary about the making of Jennifer Kent's 'The Babadook'.
They Call Him Mister Babadook: The Making of The Babadook
A young boy wakes one morning to find his mother crying. He takes his father's rifle from the shed and sets off into the bush. "Pig" tells the story...
Six captive office workers are literally chained to their desks by a demented, escaped serial killer; former regional manager Thomas Reddmann. He...
Redd Inc.
A particle physicist grieving over the loss of her husband in a car crash uses a revolutionary machine to bring him back, with dire consequences for...
The Gateway
A shell-shocked photojournalist, haunted by what he has witnessed on assignment in Africa, returns home on the eve of becoming a father. When one of...
Hearts and Bones
In remote Western Australia, two estranged farmer brothers, Colin and Les, are at war. But when Les' prize ram is diagnosed with a rare and lethal...
A former addict rekindles a past romance, awakening painful memories and a terrifying demon determined to possess her.