In a local neighborhood, the mechanic Reda harbors unrequited feelings for Nour. When he finds an old clock that turns out to be an enchanted time...
Rida's Clock
Heba is a TV presenter interested in broadcasting stories that touch on the everyday secret lives of women and the social injustices they face. Her...
Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story
The events revolve around Akram, who receives an invitation to attend a masquerade party. He decides to wear police uniforms, which causes him to...
The Suit
Female Cousins
A successful advertising agency executive falls asleep on an airplane and wakes up in an alternate universe as a stay-at-home mom with three kids.
Ms. Mammy
The film follows a young girl “Yasmin Abdel Aziz” who is searching for a husband, due to her constant loneliness and feelings of...
Martial Marriage
The story of four expatriate students who share a room in college, then an apartment after graduating from media department, and moving to work in...
City of Girls
A married businessman and his search for his old love and decides to marry her, which causes his life to change drastically.
Taht Tahdid Al Silah
A famous talk show presenter gets into a number of comedic situations due to his growing fanbase. When the writer for his show falls for him, she...
My Aunt's Theory
In this intriguing and entertaining thriller, Khalid Youssef tells the story of a young, rich man (Hani Salama) who kills his wife and his brother...
Justified Betrayal
Ali Munir Al-Jahsh is a wealthy young man who picks up women who visit his father's psychiatric clinic. They both have a bet, where Ali must help a...
A Mob of Women
Taha Al-Ghareeb
Ramzy is a playboy whose boss tries to wed to his daughter, Laila. When Ramzy and Laila meet, a man they don't know leaves them a bag full of money...
Because We're Going Out
Following the death of her husband, Amar is left to carry out her deceased husband’s dream of building a brick house with her five children....
Amar’s Hand
The film revolves around a poor and ambitious young man who shares a love story with the daughter of a businessman with influence and money.
Foreign Knot
After his fiancée leaves him, a young man tries to find himself by starting a Café Karaoke project.
A comedy about a gang leader who gets into a fight and is seriously injured, after which he is transferred to the hospital in a critical condition...
Mama's Boy
A romantic film presenting a love story that is both sweet and bitter. Can love be found amidst clashes and troubles?