Super Hero Central unleashes the Superhero Crime Fighting team of Ace X and Kid Velvet who disguise their identities as members of a Hollywood Rock...
Super Hero Central
A vigilante who calls himself “Dr. Q” is gruesomely disposing of vicious criminals who have managed to evade prosecution, due to some...
This Is Law: Out of Justice
The crime fighting team of Ace X and Kid Velvet, who disguise their superhero identities as members of a Hollywood rock n' roll band, must battle the...
The Adventures of Ace X and Kid Velvet
Vampire hunter Jedediah Diesel saves his friend, a pimp named Diamond, from the grasp of a seductive vampire only to find out that Diamond is a...
Vampire Noir
A country western musician turned vampire hunter. A pimp turned psycho killer. A beautiful streetwalker turned bloodsucker. Vampire Black: Trail of...
Vampire Black: Trail of the Dead