The film tells the story of Fernando Quintero (Gustavo Camacho), revolutionary leader who, after the fall of the dictatorship of Marcos Perez...
Días de poder
Venezuela, the mid-nineteenth century. The polarization between liberals and conservatives marked the political agenda. Inequalities of colonial...
Zamora, tierra y hombres libres
Jesús Daniel's dream is to be a great musician. After passing demanding tests and winning a scholarship, he became a student at the...
Desafío urbano
The film reproduces the historical moment when Cipriano Castro, then president of Venezuela, proclaimed: "The insolent plant of the foreigner has...
La planta insolente
Caracas, las 2 caras de la vida
The last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende, and his closest collaborators inside the Palace of La Moneda, during the brutal...
Allende in His Maze
Biographical film about the Venezuelan singer-songwriter Alí Primera. It narrates the historical events that led him to be known as the...
Alí Primera