Drama based on a true story. Rich, high-flying brothers Robert and Andrew Kissel seemingly have everything: beautiful wives who love them, great jobs...
The Two Mr. Kissels
Herbert Stempel's transformation into an unexpected television personality unfolds as he secures victory on the cherished American game show,...
Quiz Show
A successful lawyer, with a new wife and infant, agrees to care for his teenage son from a previous marriage after his ex-wife becomes concerned...
The Son
The story begins at the height of Gleason's career. He has it all: women, wealth, and extraordinary power. But he is haunted by memories of his...
After moving from Calcutta to New York, members of the Ganguli family maintain a delicate balancing act between honoring the traditions of their...
The Namesake
Tom Ripley is a calculating young man who believes it's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody. Opportunity knocks in the form of a wealthy...
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Adapted from the novel by Rebecca Chace, Capture the Flag portrays the tenuous relationship between a father and a daughter in the socially turbulent...
Capture the Flag
A man appears in the dreams of a woman and is revealed as a lover from a past life.
Someone is murdering all of the Ben Lyks in London! Youtuber, Ben Lyk, decides to gather all of the remaining Ben Lyks to try and figure out exactly...
Kill Ben Lyk
After making it to the top of the charts, members of the Silver Boulders, a popular tween rock band, find themselves undermined by internal...
The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie