In a last-ditch effort to save earth, a man sacrifices himself and is forced to relive a series of suppressed memories that become smeared by the...
The Universe
A car crash victim, humiliated housewife and two repressed teens are connected by their relationships with hard-working therapist Viola, who helps...
A dying man with a criminal past is given 24 hours to return from exile, make peace with his family and his aging ex-accomplice, but the vengeful...
The Redeemed
After fifteen years, serial killer J.R. Hinzman has returned home for some Halloween night homicide...
An alcoholic, suicidal TV reporter investigating the staff at a notorious mental hospital discovers he may have once been a patient. When he finally...
Darkest Edge
Two misunderstood suburban kids challenge society and run from the police while documenting all of their deeds with a digital camera.
Jimmy and Judy