The true story of Australia’s most notorious convict, Alexander Pearce and his infamous journey into the beautiful yet brutal Tasmanian...
Van Diemen's Land
When the rock-n-roll dream ends, the hard part is waking up. Riff was the legendary guitarist in one of the biggest rock bands in Australian history....
The Band
Tell Them Lucifer Was Here depicts the tragic murders of Victorian police officers, Gary Silk and Rod Miller which occurred in 1998 and shows the...
Underbelly Files: Tell Them Lucifer Was Here
Catherine and Liz want to have a baby - well, Catherine does anyway. Doesn't she realize this will change everything? Probably not. Spending hours on...
Two Girls and a Baby
When the rock’n’roll dream ends, the hard part is waking up. Riff was the legendary guitarist in one of the biggest rock bands in...
The Sunset Six
The Bank, a world ripe with avarice and corruption, where O'Reilly and his ilk can thrive and honest Aussie battlers lose everything. Enter Jim Doyle...
The Bank
Sharing her journey from child to teen activist, Georgie Stone looks back at her life and historic fight for transgender rights in this documentary.
The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone
They were the hottest thing in the eighties, the pin-up boys on every teenage girl’s wall. And with hits like “Tough Titties” and...
A promiscuous radio sex therapist is dragged into blackmail by a young hustler.
Dangerous Touch
Driving cross-country to a job interview, Colin takes a short cut and comes across a fatal road accident. One of the drivers, Jina, is shaken but...
In the real world you can't just do what you want. In the real world you have to compromise. Mark Blazey does not want to live in the real world....
Is This the Real World
The story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, who uncovers one of the most significant social scandals in recent times –...
Oranges and Sunshine
After a war against an enemy from another world breaks out in the South Pacific, a group of freshly recruited U.S. Marines are sent to the front...
While on a family road trip, the tension builds as 14-year-old Zahra struggles to accept her mother’s fiancé.
Australian documentarian Emily and her journalist husband Danny are reeling from an allegation of abuse their 4-year-old daughter Natasha has made...