The true story of a brilliant but politically radical debate team coach who uses the power of words to transform a group of underdog African-American...
The Great Debaters
A grumpy, old man's life turns upside down when he discovers a mischievous orphan is his granddaughter - until they bond over soap box derby racing.
Blue Lightning
When industrious high school gamer Zach Taylor lands a prized scholarship to the prestigious Digital Institute of Game Design (DIGD), his future...
Game of Your Life
A cautionary tale about sex and consequences. What's the likelihood of five guys living in different cities but linked to each other by one...
Epidemic Chronicles
When one school teacher gets the other fired, he is challenged to an after-school fight.
Fist Fight
In 1913, little Mary Phagan is found dead at the National Pencil Factory in Atlanta. Police quickly decide that the Jewish Superintendent, Leo Frank,...
The People v. Leo Frank
Frank, a single man raising his child prodigy niece Mary, is drawn into a custody battle with his mother.
When best buds Rick and Fred begin to show signs of restlessness at home, their wives take a bold approach to revitalize their marriages, they grant...
Hall Pass