This is the story of teenage girl Steph, who is brought up by her fiery aunt Jude after her pregnant mother Jass and Vietnamese father are killed in...
Peter Hehir plays full-time loser Sid McCall, professional vagrant and alcoholic on the skids. Haydon Samuels is his young son Christopher who lives...
I Live With Me Dad
An oil-field worker from Texas journeys to Australia to look for his missing sister, and his search winds up getting him involved with a violent...
Hurricane Smith
Kris and Preston team up once again to take on powerful gangster Buntao. But Buntao has problems of his own, dealing with Dazo, another gangster who...
Rage and Honor II: Hostile Takeover
A revolutionary procedure performed in the jungles of Guatemala gives rise to an unspeakable horror when one doctor discovers how to implement mind...
Ryan Travers has just been released from a prison in Bangkok, Thailand, after serving a five-year sentence for murder. His parents, running an...
The Fighter
The Sword of Bushido tells the story of ex-Navy SEAL Zac Connors and his journey to learn the fate of his grandfather, who mysteriously disappeared...
The Sword of Bushido
Two crooked gallery officials swap a Picasso for a fake hoping to make a fortune. When thieves break into the gallery to steal the Picasso, an...
A Kink in the Picasso