The story of Edgardo Mortara, a young Jewish boy living in Bologna, Italy, who in 1858, after being secretly baptized, was forcibly taken from his...
One dark night during the early phases of WWII, the Italian Royal Navy submarine Cappellini sinks an armed merchant ship sailing with lights out. At...
The Commander
A seventeen-year-old girl hasn’t left her room in an indefinite amount of time. Those like her call them hikikomori, they are teenagers who...
Crystal Girl
A brother and a sister live on the borderline between awareness of their actions and total unconsciousness, until they commit a sin from which there...
Blue Kids
July 22nd 2017, at first light. Anna Persico awakes and find a red box near her bed. Inside, just a note with incomprehensible symbols. From that...
The tale of an individualist proletarian in a time marked by the rise of mass political movements. In early 20th-century Italy, illiterate sailor...
Martin Eden