Two sisters are abandoned on a desert island. Costanza, the eldest, engraves on a rock the tale of her sad destiny. Silvia, the youngest, raised in...
L'Isola Disabitata - Teatro Alighieri di Ravenna / Opéra de Dijon
Francesco Cavalli, a natural successor to Monteverdi, was the most famous and influential Italian opera composer during the mid-17th century....
Cavalli: Hercules in Love
Discover Jetske Mijnssen's 2016 staging of Luigi Rossi's masterpiece Orfeo. Raphaël Pichon and Ensemble Pygmalion perform this beautiful opera...
Il mondo della luna (1777) is a sparkling comic opera by Joseph Haydn, with a witty libretto based on Carlo Goldoni’s play. In this...
Il Mondo della Luna