In the horror thriller "JEKKA," the Monroe coffee plantation is haunted by a curse after the grandmother of an indigenous girl injects her blood into...
20-something René has an obscure learned behavior, an unhealthy relationship, and the need to fit as what he thinks is a man.
Sin filo
On the day of his best friend’s wedding, Richard, a cynical and detached 30 year-old man, must come to terms, once and for all, with an event...
The Least Worst Man
How a distraction can unchain domino-effect consequences and affect the life of a number of people.
El Florista
16 years-old Inés takes a ride with Seba, Lucía, and Marcos and learns that in order to gain perspective, innocence must be lost.
A psychologist listens and learns of his patients' lives, but he will realize that he's the one who needs to be treated.
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