A haunted young woman finds herself drawn into a world of seduction, duplicity and betrayal as she desperately tries to uncover the mystery...
Strictly Confidential
After initiation into the prestigious York Witches Society, Amber Gray and her new friends unwittingly awaken an ancient evil hellbent on destroying...
York Witches Society
In the mid-1960s, a young girl is determined to make it as a model. When a famed photographer takes interest in her, she’s given the chance to...
'Social Suicide' is an investigative thriller examining what it really takes to get noticed on the Internet today. Loosely based on Romeo and Juliet,...
Social Suicide
After winning the 'trip of a lifetime' to a caravan park in Rhyl, North Wales, unlucky in love Northener, Janet, is ready for a holiday romance....
Me, Myself & Di