The Purushottam Karandak — a real-life inter-college festival in which theater students compete head-to-head — becomes an ideological...
Tera Mera Tedha Medha (TMTM) is a quirky-topsy-turvy romantic comedy influenced by Planetary Disposition. It is a love story of two young struggling...
Tera Mera Tedha Medha
Ron Sen is a successful sports agent who manages top players from the Indian cricket team. After controversy ends the prospects of his career, Ron...
22 Yards
This is the story of Amit and Samara - two souls in Mumbai, a city of millions and how the universe conspires to bring them together. This is a...
One by Two
A hero policeman shunted to a punishment posting as the Dean of the police academy decides to punish the corrupt bureaucracy and its criminal allies...
Class of '83