A comedic collection of vignettes following the day-to-day lives of the tenants of a derelict apartment house, namely best buddies Jeri, an unlucky...
Lazy Days
The title of Santa Claus is gifted to a police officer, who takes business “Seriously.”
A slice of eclectic adult life, starring the tenants of the Rock Ridge apartments, all the unusual people around them, and their loosely intertwined...
An experimental silent, based around the daily life of captive house cats.
Small Lion
With an uneventful summer looming over everyone's minds, the lives of the hapless tenants of the Rock Ridge apartments intertwine and clash... to...
Killing Time 2
Dynamic Josie Sfortunata, wrapping up her second year of college, finally feels like she has her life all together. However, a wrench is thrown into...
Killing Time
Matthias heads off to the bakery for the holiday season, butting heads with the ever-comfortable Dutch over management. Thrown into the mix are the...
Zellquist Bakery 2