In the new documentary film “Ragnarok: Humanity’s Last Stand”, visionary filmmaker Josh Peck takes you on a journey through the...
Ragnarok: Humanity's Last Stand
IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into...
Watchers 8: Cloak of Secrecy
The Watchers series has reached new, extraordinary heights, presenting one thrilling segment after another. LA Marzulli and Richard Shaw's ongoing...
Watchers 5: Let Me In
SOMETHING IS HAPPENING UFOs are being reported all over the world in greater numbers than ever before. Has something changed? Who are these beings,...
Watchers 7: Physical Evidence
WATCHERS NINE, DAYS OF CHAOS attempts to pull together a team of experts to try and answer some of the most disturbing questions about the times in...
Watchers 9: Days of Chaos
Personal accounts of encounters with UFO's.
The Watchman Chronicles
What would cause a device used to detect paranormal activity to suddenly exhibit a behavior never observed before? Can prayer change the way in which...
On the Trail of the Nephilim: Episode 3 - Secrets of the Supernatural