This gripping historical drama recounts the story of Armenian-born Missak Manouchian, a woodworker and political activist who led an immigrant...
Army of Crime
The day after a party where Mario, in a trance, danced all night, Amine and Victor, his two lovers, find him dead in his bed. Lost with their friends...
Silence du léopard
Les enfants rouges
In the hospital where she works in Brest, France, a lung specialist discovers a direct link between suspicious deaths and state-approved medicine....
150 Milligrams
A murder in Paris’ Louvre Museum and cryptic clues in some of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous paintings lead to the discovery of a...
The Da Vinci Code
Guillaume, a computer scientist in his thirties, has never managed to overcome his pathological shyness with girls. In desperation, he consults a...
Love Bug