A westerner named Casey, studying Ninjutsu in Japan, is asked by the Sensei to return to New York to protect the legendary Yoroi Bitsu, an armored...
The life of Fumio Demura, the greatest karate master of a generation.
The Real Miyagi
This documentary is about martial arts; about their beauty and their lethal potential, their history and their present status. It is also about their...
The Warrior Within
A ship-wrecked man floats ashore on an island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is inhabited by a scientist, Dr. Moreau, who in an experiment has...
The Island of Dr. Moreau
The Oscar nominated actor best known for his role of Mr. Miyagi, left behind a painfully revealing autobiographical record of his much-too-brief time...
More Than Miyagi: The Pat Morita Story
When a prostitute is found dead in a Los Angeles skyscraper occupied by a large Japanese corporation, detectives John Connor and Web Smith are called...
Rising Sun