When a friendly cabbie tells two young sisters the story of a boy named Leo who moved to Manhattan with his family, a magical adventure begins. While...
Little Spirit: Christmas in New York
Doug and his pal Skeeter set's out to find the monster of Lucky Duck Lake. Though things get really out of hand when some one blurts out that the...
Doug's 1st Movie
Simon Watterman, a space archaeologist, discovers the "Munchies" in a cave in Peru. Cecil Watterman, Simon's evil twin brother and snack food...
Join Sesame Street’s curious red monster as he explores his face! Elmo learns about winking and whistling, and even tries to balance a ball on...
Sesame Street: Elmo's World: All about Faces
A kids humorous instructional tape on how to do gags and party tricks. It is from 1986, so the hair and wardrobe alone makes this tape comic gold. It...
Show Off! How to Be Cool at Parties
Based on the infamous novel by Leopold Sacher-Masoch this fine film follows the perverted passions of a young couple as Severin watches the beautiful...
Venus in Furs
'Toon star Roger is worried that his wife Jessica is playing pattycake with someone else, so the studio hires detective Eddie Valiant to snoop on...
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
After 30 years of live radio broadcasts of "A Prairie Home Companion," the popular show comes to DVD for the first time, offering a rare inside look...
A Prairie Home Companion 30th Broadcast Season Celebration
A Prairie Home Companion Live in HD!
After a police chase with an otherworldly being, a New York City cop is recruited as an agent in a top-secret organization established to monitor and...
Men in Black
Returning from a hunting trip in the forest, the Henderson family's car hits an animal in the road. At first they fear it was a man, but when they...
Harry and the Hendersons
When Billy Peltzer is given a strange but adorable pet named Gizmo for Christmas, he inadvertently breaks the three important rules of caring for a...
A disillusioned young writer living in New York City turns to drugs and drinking to block out the memories of his dead mother and estranged wife.
Bright Lights, Big City