The story centers around Nathaniel Nucci, who leaves the military when his wife becomes pregnant hoping to lead a "normal" life. All is well for 13...
Sacrum Vindictae
In the prime of Dick Grayson’s career as Nightwing, Gotham calls to him in the wake of Bruce Wayne’s disappearance.
Gotham Nightwing
Set in the deep woods, a cannibal family obsessed with the first "Human Hibachi" video have have made it their life's mission to find the only two...
Human Hibachi 2
When Kyle, a pimp in love with Juliet, and Trevor, her wanna-be mob-affiliated boyfriend, find themselves in dire straits, they devise a plan to...
I Love Juliet
Blackphobia is an Afro-surrealistic, dramatic film that takes a satirical look at race and culture in America from the vantage point of a white...
A group of friends vacation at a house that's connected to a dark past.
Crystal Lake