A man finds himself hopelessly stranded in a small town on Christmas Eve, unable to shake the stray dog who ran him off the road, and irresistibly...
A Christmas Stray
Sons of Caribbean immigrants, Francis and Michael face questions of masculinity, identity and family amid the pulsing beat of Toronto's early hip-hop...
After having her 18th child Nicole is ready to have another one right away. However, her vagina is not and takes off on vacation.
Vagina Vacation
When Stephanie inherits a watch, she learns that it allows her to travel back in time five minutes, once a day. But as she uses it more and more, her...
Loving Every Minute
Christmas enthusiast Steph, has created a program, Six Degrees of Santa. When Steph's own gift lands in the hands of a leading internet entrepreneur,...
Six Degrees of Santa
Sadie, a young Native American VanLifer and her husband Ed find their trip derailed when they spend the night in a campground overseen by a maniacal...
The Camp Host