Old Mother Riley is a British comedy film directed by Oswald Mitchell and starring Arthur Lucan, Kitty McShane, Barbara Everest, Patrick Ludlow and...
Old Mother Riley
After the Local council he works for decides to replace its horse-drawn services with motor vehicles, one of the drivers spends his savings to buy...
Song of the Road
Set in 15th-century Italy, The Cardinal stars Matheson Lang as one Cardinal de Medici. Bound by the rules of the confessional, the cardinal is unable...
The Cardinal
The unassuming, nebbishy inventor Sidney Stratton creates a miraculous fabric that will never be dirty or worn out. Clearly he can make a fortune...
The Man in the White Suit
An inventor of a deadly weapon to be used against the allies is injured in a crash. Surgeon, Sir James (Sebastian Shaw) saves his life but learns of...
Three Silent Men
A western set in New Zealand during the 1820s following a group of British pioneers seeking a new life Down Under.
The Seekers