The movie revolves around three different couples who have to overcome familial and cultural obstacles to be with their ones they love. A man looking...
Evet, I Do!
The scatterbrained archivist of Cologne Cathedral is sent to Africa to retrieve the largest diamond in the world, on which the cathedral once rested...
African Race
Straight is the story of a messy love triangle between two men and a woman. Nazim (Eralp Uzun) is a hot young Turkish guy involved in petty crime. He...
Two boys (Ken Duken and Luca Verhoeven) try to get into the Munich Disco "Spy", but Dennis, the chief of Disco doesn't allow them to enter the club....
100 Pro
Schwarze Schafe (Black Sheep) is a german/swiss black and white movie. It's separated into five episodes, which tell stories of the Berlin city life....
Black Sheep
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