Summer begins, Aku graduates high school and faces a great emptiness. As his girlfriend, parents and friends all leave the city, it looks to be the...
"Everything In Between" follows a group of filmmakers that are passionate about their work. An intimate portrait of film making and the deep trust...
Everything In Between
Emilia is a teenager and a good girl, who never forgets her homework or her little sister, Elsa. Siiri is just one year older than Emilia but not at...
Run Sister Run!
A fatal collision that follows after two lovers, Simo and Jonna, discover during a family dinner that his mother and her father might have had an...
Hanna is a 30 something single woman from Helsinki. She has a good job and great friends and has almost given up on finding the Mr. Right. One night,...
The Two and Only
After getting released from prison, Eeva returns to her old home town with only a shoulder bag, cellphone and the clothes she is wearing. She wants...
A Mother