A series of small-town murders with no apparent connection leads two detectives towards a horrific discovery in this terrifying tale starring Linnea...
The Rockville Slayer
Welcome to Butcher's Mill, Illinois, home to a meat-packing plant, a junk yard, and Buddy and Earl, two likable losers who crave the sweet smell of...
Bad Meat
A knight and his valet are plagued by a witch, and to repair the damage they make use of the services of a wizard. However, something goes wrong and...
Just Visiting
After the death of her mother, Sara moves to the South Side of Chicago to live with her father and gets transferred to a majority-black school. Her...
Save the Last Dance
As America's stock of athletic young men is depleted during World War II, a professional all-female baseball league springs up in the Midwest, funded...
A League of Their Own