The story of the battle of Iwo Jima between the United States and Imperial Japan during World War II, as told from the perspective of the Japanese...
Letters from Iwo Jima
In the pressure-cooker of opening night, a Japanese playwright struggles with his aging, arrogant actor father for control of the play and their...
The Hirosaki Players
1935 Los Angeles, community leader Sei Fujii uncovers the corrupt activities of his community's underground mafia. He must choose between saving the...
Lil Tokyo Reporter
An eight-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home. The story reveals the indescribable...
Little Boy
Kane Madison is an architect working in Los Angeles while his doppelganger-like spirit, an eighteenth century Ronin, wanders a parallel netherworld...
In 1908, Titoe leaves her country, Japan, to try her luck in Brazil. Her intention is just to get rich and return in five years. But life has other...
Gaijin: Ama-me Como Sou
Miyako is a frustrated insurance saleswoman stuck in a major dry spell. She tries every trick in the book, including aggressive flirting, which gets...
Door III
In Brazil, Akemi finds out that she's the heiress to the Yakuza empire. Just after that, her destiny enters a spiral of violence and mystery, where a...
Yakuza Princess