Johnny Cash's second Christmas special includes an all-star tribute to Elvis Presley, who died in August 1977, two months before this program was...
The Johnny Cash Christmas Special 1977
"The Cathedrals: A Farewell Celebration" captures this legendary group during one of their finest - and most emotional - hours. This video was taped...
A Farewell Celebration
A student teacher, Mark (Steve J. Spears) doesn't accept the teaching methods to be found in a traditional school situation, or the way the principal...
Temperament Unsuited
Hancock, (who was voted Britain's best-ever comic 35 years after his death) leaves his home in Railway Cuttings, East Cheam, England for warmer, more...
Hancock Down Under
Unmarried, beautiful and talented, Melanie Hilton discovers she is pregnant. The editor of a woman's magazine, she decides to have her baby and take...
The Alternative
The Bandit goes on another cross-country run, transporting an elephant from Florida to Texas. And, once again, Sheriff Buford T. Justice is on his...
Smokey and the Bandit II