Set in the early 1990s, Michael, a simple yet daring boy from the south moves to Bombay with a personal strong motive, grow under the wings of...
Gunz, a youngster has the urge to mint money stumble upon a filthy rich girl Lucky, who believes Money is the cause of all distress in life. How does...
Govardhan, a devoted architect from Hyderabad, juggles supporting his extended family while seeking a partner who understands his commitments. When...
The Family Star
Poorna fails to appreciate the blessings in his life due to his unfulfilled dream of a cricket career and a failed romance that changes him.
The movie revolves around a married couple who move into a new apartment where they are haunted by a malevolent spirit. The couple struggles to save...
The Wife
Ramarao, a mandal revenue officer who was formerly removed from the position of deputy collector, is posted in Chittoor in the year 1995 and he...
Ramarao On Duty
A wayward young man becomes involved in a criminal conspiracy.
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