Registration of the third theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten. One day a man has to go. Away...
Van Muiswinkel & van Vleuten: Mannen Met Vaste Lasten
Registration of the first theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten. Two men visit the Montignac...
Erik van Muiswinkel & Diederik van Vleuten: Mannen van de Wereld
Registration of the fourth theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten. The comedy duo broke up after...
Van Muiswinkel & van Vleuten: Antiquariaat Oblomow
Registration of the fifth theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten. Two old friends meet in a Dutch...
Van Muiswinkel & van Vleuten: Prediker & Hooglied
After five theatre programs, the comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten performed one more time with an anthology from their...
Van Muiswinkel & van Vleuten: Mannen, Het Allerbeste!
Registration of the second theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten. In their first program, the two...
Erik van Muiswinkel & Diederik van Vleuten: Mannen op de maan
Acda en de Munnik – Live In Bloemendaal
Diederik van Vleuten: Buiten Schot
Studio Spaan