In 1965, at the age of 25, Alan Ackland is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a business associate. In 1971, Sylvia Barker, lonely and...
Knockback: 1
Alan and Sylvia fall in love and Alan gains a renewed sense of purpose. He begins to hope for an eventual release on licence. However both he and...
Knockback: 2
Guests at a small hotel are disquieted by the insistence of a mysterious doctor that he has been there before.
I Have Been Here Before
The pupils of the Dora Jackson School of Dancing compete in the 1960 Classical Dance Festival in Scarborough. Fifties rock 'n' roll meets classical...
Happy Feet
Les is an aimless young man, unemployed and still living with his mother. He decides to give her a present - her name tattooed on his arm…