In New York two detectives of the 87th precinct are initially baffled by the brutal, ritualistic slayings of several young women. Through good...
Ed McBain's 87th Precinct: Lightning
A true story of a courageous boy who becomes a legend. Living a dream that wouldn't die; his passion empowered him to historically change the course...
I See The Crowd Roar: The Story of William Dummy Hoy
Hired by shopping mall magnate Ed Mancini to host a Christmas gala for his biggest investors, Emily heads to Santa Bootcamp - to find the perfect...
Santa Bootcamp
After the death of his fiancée's daughter while in his care, a deaf man shuts himself off from the world. Haunted by memories, it is only...
Universal Signs
In 1952 Rose Miller returns to her rural hometown of Beresford, South Dakota to care for her ailing mother. Once there, she falls in love with a deaf...
Wild Prairie Rose
The coming-of-age drama tells the true story of an all-deaf high school track & field team from the Oregon School for the Deaf. The team overcame...
Flash Before the Bang
Plot TBA.