The plot revolves around a young archaeologist expert on the Etruscan civilization, who finds herself close to an epochal discovery and becomes the...
In 1950s Italy, a young woman from a poor background strives for a better life.
La provinciale
An experimental drama entirely composed by monologues. A personal journey through male homosexuality - from darkness to light, from total denial to...
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.
Marco is married to a gorgeous woman, has a child and a great job. Everything seems perfect, at least until his wife of 25 years announces that she...
Torno indietro e cambio vita
Phillip and Suzanne are retired from the spy game, living peacefully off the grid. That's until their whereabouts are discovered by Vlad, the...
Kill 'em All 2