In the late 21st century, a subculture of humans have emerged who have been modified genetically by a vampire-like disease, giving them enhanced...
A highly successful business tycoon who is married to his ideal wife. Things get twisted awry when the man has an adulterous affair.
Years into a benevolent alien occupation, mankind is still adjusting to its new overlords. Their technology initially held promise for global...
Landscape with Invisible Hand
A broken home, a broken marriage, pressures of sexuality, religion, mental and physical abuse affects the lives of a suburban community in Atlanta,...
Stuck in a dull marriage, successful shrink Mia DuBois follows a patient's advice and exposes her wild side at a private underground club, where she...
Pandora's Box
Karma is an unforgivable force to be reckoned with. John Miller finds this out the hard way after abandoning his college girlfriend, Madeline...