In the enchanting streets of Barcelona, a despondent movie director crosses paths with a gritty low-life gangster. Their fateful encounter sparks the...
Another Excellent Day
Dancers Pilatus and Morvan rise to fame in the late 80's who become stars with No.1 hits and won a Grammy. The duo never sang a word in their songs...
Girl You Know It's True
In the Box
Completely on her own, Sarah spends her time at home, waiting for the approaching birth of her child. But one night, a stranger breaks into her home,...
In this crime comedy short film, two hitmen have been assigned to kill a financial broker but they’re not sure what he looks like.
Waiting for Goldman
The true story of Marine Corporal Megan Leavey, who forms a powerful bond with an aggressive combat dog, Rex. While deployed in Iraq, the two...
Megan Leavey
The Supers
In life, we all deserve second chances. It doesn't matter what we have done. What if we were given a second opportunity in the form of an "escape...
Escape from Marwin
Madrid, Spain, 2010. While the whole city follows the national team's successful participation in the World Cup, a group of daring thieves look for a...
The Vault